![Related image](https://conservationgardenpark.org/file/44407c40-05cd-4e96-92f7-ce5577eed831/Imperial-Honeylocust-fall.jpg)
It is very fast and is considered invasive by farmers in much of the county and clogs waterholes with thickets harboring vermin and preventing grazing animals from drinking....hmmm sounds perfect as part of a hedgerow. However it is a full sun tree.
"The thornless honeylocust has captured the hearts of arborists, community foresters and homeowners throughout America. And no wonder. This tree is easy to plant, grows fast, has reasonably strong branches, is aesthetically pleasing and is tough enough to withstand just about any urban setting.
In nature it grows in both a thorned and thornless form, with thorns growing up to 12" long. Many regions in the South once referred to honelocusts as Confederate pin trees because those thorns were used to pin uniforms together during the Civil War."
(This was nixed by urban tree farm it get a pest that kills tree by age 10ish)
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