We are your neighborhood farmer

We are your neighborhood farmers -- Get in touch at 707 347-9465 or wmorgenthaler@gmail.com

Friday, July 21, 2017

Corporate Agricultural Dumping: Growing the Wealth Gap & Harming Farmers

Big Ag harms farmers all over the world and gets rich off of your tax dollars.  Although on its face it would seem obvious that you can't sell at a loss forever and stay in business.  However nobody cares if the farmers stay in business as long as there is money to be made in the highly financialized commodities market.  That's where this Big Ag move is played.  It has long been standard US foreign policy practice to harm the stability and sustainability for lesser countries and in this way creating opportunity for exploitation and lots of profits to be made off the misery.

Image result for commodities
     The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) has used World Trade Organization formulas to document the systematic dumping of US grown agricultural commodities (specifically wheat, soybeans, corn, cotton, and rice) for two decades. They found that in the wake of the volatile commodity markets that dominated in the period from 2007 to 2013, export prices largely exceeded production costs. In recent years, however, US agricultural commodity dumping has started again. According to IATP's calculations, in 2015 US wheat was exported at 32 percent less than the cost of production, soybeans at 10 percent less, corn at 12 percent less, and rice at 2 percent less.
     Dumping clearly increases inequality between farmers in the global North and South. Less visibly, dumping also worsens incomes and increases inequality within rural America.

Corporate Agricultural Dumping: Growing the Wealth Gap:

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Saturday, July 15, 2017

Degeneration Nation: Connecting the Dots Between Factory Farms, Roundup, GMOs, and Fake 'Natural' Foods

What's in that box of food on the grocery shelf you plan on feeding your family for dinner tonight? Maybe you can look on the label.  Maybe not!
Picture of a QR code with the caption
And, that would include thanking your government.  And, every one's favorite, Obama for selling you down the toxic river that goes on and on with no end.
     After decades of trying to reform public policy on food and farming, including an intense four-year battle to force mandatory labeling of GMOs (rudely terminated in 2016 when Congress and the Obama administration rammed through the outrageous DARK Act), food activists and conscious consumers find ourselves wondering “what’s the use of lobbying the government?”
     Do we really think the Trump administration, the Republican Congress, and farm state and Establishment Democrats care about the toxicity, exploitation and environmental destruction of our food system?
     The culinary directive from Congress and the White House this summer goes something like this: Don’t worry. Shut up and eat your Frankenfoods, cheap junk foods, and factory-farm meat, dairy and poultry.  Don’t worry about Monsanto’s Roundup or Dow’s neonic residues in your food and water. Don’t worry about the dubious fare at your local supermarkets, including thousands of products fraudulently labeled or advertised as “natural.”--Ronnie  Cummins, 
Organic Consumers Assoc.
indusrial grain silos
Does this look like a source of food?
I suggest you get to "Know Your Farmer"
(Note: This is the first post in an series of what will be original articles on the subject of "A Solution to the Food Crisis: Know Your Farmer".  It will be edited in the near future with an introduction and over arching framework that will stress that we already know the way and yet we must also know the colonizer.  Keep in touch and please comment or add content.)
Degeneration Nation: Connecting the Dots Between Factory Farms, Roundup, GMOs, and Fake 'Natural' Foods:

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Friday, July 14, 2017

Current Vegetable & Fruit List

Available now for u-pick  7/14/17

Genovesi Basil -- Row #14  -- $3/8oz bunch

Ovations greens -- Row #15  -- $3/12oz bunch
These are young, tender and make a wonderfully spicy salad mix.  We eat them more than lettuce.  We also chop them small and use them as a sauteed green with eggs and polenta.  They contain 2 types of mustard, tatsoi, arrugula
Arrugula -- Row #16  -- $3/12oz bunch

Long Green Pimento Peppers -- Row #19   -- $3/pound

Santa Rosa Plums -- in campground -- $4/pound
These are at their peak of tree ripe perfection 
Yellow "Candy" Storage Onions -- Basement -- $2/pound

Kiowa Blackberries -- Next to house -- $4/basket
Nearing the end of the season

Giant Black Figs -- near little house -- $4/pound
This crop is wonderful but will be gone soon.  We well have another in a couple of months
Kohlrabi -- Row #18  -- $3/pound
The greens make a wonderful green much like collard but sweeter and the globes are bright and crunchie julienned in salads or stir fried 
Fennel -- Row #18  -- $3/pound
I do not find this to be a mysterious vegetable like many do.  Just saute it as a substitute for celery and a fried of ours made a wonderful fennel frond pesto.  Of course you can shave it into salads for a bright aromatic accent. 

Bring your own bags, use the wash up sink and scale behind the house, leave the money in the cash box at the front driveway.  But, of course we would like it if you stop and visit a bit.

Long-time Iowa farm cartoonist fired after creating this cartoon

According to the article:
     Friday received an email from his editor at Farm New cutting off their relationship a day after the cartoon was published.
     Friday’s editor said a seed dealer pulled their advertisements with Farm News as a result of the cartoon, and others working at the paper disagreed with the jokes made about the agriculture corporations.
     “When it comes to altering someone’s opinion or someone’s voice for the purpose of wealth, I have a problem with that,” said Friday. “It’s our constitutional right to free speech and our constitutional right to free press.

Orrazz: Long-time Iowa farm cartoonist fired after creating this cartoon:

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Monday, July 10, 2017

This shipping-container farm could someday solve the food desert problem -- NOT!

The Washington Post strikes again.  A uniquely bad idea as a solution to hunger, although I have no problem with it as a research project.  Our neo liberal government of the past 35 years has been unwilling to give the poor the means to be independent (like a few acres and a mule or stable housing or free child care or a minimum wage, or voice and teeth on a community board,) The state seems happy enough doling out billion dollar contracts for Katrina emergency housing that never arrive, multi-million dollar settlements to the victim of its police abuse when they prevail in court, while letting the cops go free, and encouraging speculation and gentrification with dollar signs in their eyes but with no thought nor care of the displaced.  I am especially dismayed by the heroic tone of the quote by company spokesperson, “I think simply helicoptering a farm into a food desert could be part of the solution,” as if we don't already know how to run a food pantry, a soup kitchen or a farmers market, all of which put volunteers, local farmers and staff to rewarding work rather than making a million for a company to provide a high tech, high cost, unsustainable and possibly radioactive head of lettuce. (just kidding on this last one but just look at the photo.)

The media has an unhealthy appetite for technological miracles and is not grounded in critical thought.  In essence this is just a puff piece, promoting a new business, Local Roots passing as news or real solutions. Local Roots is a hot startup with more than a million dollars of seed money competing in a rapidly growing niche market with other modular competitors like PodPonics.  It has nothing to do with helping the poor with access to food.  Otherwise they would have asked the poor first, rather than the investors.

This shipping-container farm could someday solve the food desert problem - The Washington Post:

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Americans Favor Raising SNAP Benefits, But Not Allowing Them for Candy and Soda

An overwhelming majority of Americans support food stamps.  Although we think of this as a partisan issue, in truth....Republicans are actually out in front on candy, cookies, cake, doughnuts and Soda and a majority supports the program.

The survey found overwhelming bipartisan support for limiting what SNAP benefits can be used for. Seventy-six percent (Republicans 85 percent, Democrats 68 percent) favored disallowing the purchase of candy with SNAP benefits, while 73 percent (Republicans 82 percent, Democrats 67 percent) wanted to disallow sweetened soda. A majority overall (59 percent), but not a majority of Democrats, favored disallowing cookies, cakes and doughnuts. On the other hand, a majority favored allowing chips and snack crackers and ice cream.
Related image

One problem not addressed of course is that in the food deserts where poor minorities live don't sell anything but junk food so disallowing them is disallowing food.  Obviously another solution is needed.  I would go for community run non profit food distribution centers.

This article can be read in full here:
Americans Favor Raising SNAP Benefits, But Not Allowing Them for Candy and Soda | Voice Of the People | Campaign for a Citizen Cabinet:

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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Heat and cool your greenhouse renewably using the soil | Ceres Greenhouse

This is what they designed in Sweden.  A GAHT™ system allows the greenhouse to provide its own heating and cooling using the energy of the sun, and the soil underground. The result is a renewable climate control system that both heats and cools the greenhouse at a fraction of the cost of traditional HVAC.
Ceres Ground to Air Heat Transfer System (GAHT)
Heat and cool your greenhouse renewably using the soil | Ceres Greenhouse:

Below is the low tech passive version of a water heat sink but it lacks control.

Another issue is off course heat loss out the roof.  So it is recommended that the top of the greenhouse be better insulated and translucent to limit gain in the summer with directly overhead sun.  Light is less important in the summer and plants will appreciate the filtering.

We had been considering a standard greenhouse with a conventional design but if our plan is for efficiency the we should design it for the specific site.

A link to mother earth news article on green house is here: How to Design a Year-Round Solar Greenhouse - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS:

Rock Concert at Oasis' New "Barn"

Dear Friends who love a good dance PARTY! Please join us at Oasis Farm for a FREE concert

Saturday, July 29th, 8pm - on

Feel the past fade into a crimson dawn as the future speeds 
like a time machine. Embrace your past, present and future.  
Revenant, the spirit that never dies

Band leader, Jeff Purple, asks that we dress in 1950's or "glam rock" style to match the band!
We will be projecting a short film, Hey! Duck and cover! - on how to deal with Nukes in your neighborhood!  Join us back stage in the makeup & dressing room up stairs and bring costumes to help you get in the mood ... Need a break from too much excitement and sonic stimulation? You can still come and enjoy the fire in the cob oven or just hang out and survey the stars. 
Don't be caught sitting down -- Be prepared
We're excited to present Revenent, long time friends who played to a full house at the Phoenix recently. Let us know you're coming (RSVP), bring beverages and although not a potluck per se we will make 3 or 4 curries and farm made indian plum chutney to enjoy with fresh baked naan from our pizza oven -- bring a favorite curry much appreciated.  Help us celebrates next step in completion of our barn/hall for community events, house concerts, workshops and educational programs.
           If you don't think the end is neigh just listen to this!

Direction: 282 Skillman Lane, Petaluma (2nd driveway on the right past Lombardis) 707-789-9294

        Yours, Connie & Wayne
        Oasis Community Farm

More on Revenant:
Inline image 3Read a Revenant profile
Revenant Facebook

Mindfulness Practice

"Bouts of depression range from the mild and infrequent to the severe and chronic. For serious depression, you should seek qualified help. But for any level of depression, it helps to know that underlying the darkness is happiness—and our brain is equipped with the means to uncover it.

When you hear the word antidepressant, you probably think of a pill: a medication used to treat your illness. Medications are one kind of antidepressant. But they’re not the only kind.
Science is now showing that we also have natural antidepressants within our brains: mindsets (thoughts and behaviors) that build us up instead of tear us down and allow us to help ourselves improve our own moods.
These natural antidepressants can be gathered into five main categories: mindfulness (the one I focus on in this piece), self-compassion, purpose, play, and mastery. By developing these natural antidepressants, you can strengthen your brain’s ability to act as its own antidepressant that can be as powerful as—or even more powerful than—the antidepressant medications." - Elisha Goldstein, Mindful.org
As a friendly reminder, you can see each week's free mindfulness exercises here
Check out our new mindfulness channels on Spotify and YouTube.

Want to build your daily mindfulness habit? Join our 28-day mindfulness challenge here.
Free Mindfulness Exercises
SERENITY: A GUIDED MEDITATION - audio from Jack Kornfield

MINDFULNESS FOR DEPRESSION - a thoughtful talk from Ronna Kabatznik

MEDITATION FOR ANXIETY & DEPRESSION - a popular video meditation

FOR SLEEP & DEPRESSION - a helpful guide for peaceful sleep

WHY YOU ARE NOT DEPRESSED - Prince EA on paying attention to your labels


EVERY EMOTION IS USEFUL - helpful tips from Dr. Fred Kaufman

Thank you for your mindfulness!

Sean Fargo
How To Treat Yourself & Others Who Struggle With Depression:
Cultivating Compassion
Before we start, take a full breath in… and a long breath out....

Mindfulness For Lifting Depression: