Below was first offered and published on our
As a summer project at Oasis Community Farm we will be working on creating a sensory garden and learning space for school groups and a space where we can host weekend workshops geared towards kids and families.
Below are random images to inspire ideas for future projects in and about the garden.
Here is a themed sculpture garden piece that connects the tactile to the dinner table a connection that many people in the modern world do not make
As you know rubber tires are forever so they may as well be forever beautiful and something to play on and plant stuff in.
This is an example of a project that Arlo and Marina and have been thinking about for some time. It is simply done by using cutting from our willow bog and then irrigating them until they sprout. Planted in late winter they will look like this by April and May.
One of my favorites. We did fairy houses in the back yard of our old Jungle Vibes store in Petaluma.
A gate is an symbolic entry to place -- a child size gate would be perfect.
Color is important and participation can create a lasting sense of value, enhancing learning. A picket fence like this is infinitely expandable and prettier than a name plate.
This one seems quite ambitious but it reminds me of a play garden built around a water feature at the Hopland Solar Living Institute grounds. Plans for water recycling and serene water features are already under way at Oasis. Perhaps in the future we can extend the that infrastructure to the children's area.